
防静电地板 陶瓷系列活动地板 网络地板 机房墙板彩钢板 机房墙板 硫酸钙防静电地板 德式防静电地板 全钢有边防静电地板 全钢无边防静电地板 陶瓷防静电地板 铝合金防静电地板 网络地板 通风地板 吊顶系统 玻璃活动地板 配件系统 定制系列



英德克INDEK通体透芯PVC防静电地板利用聚氯乙烯粒子界面网形成的导静电网络,使得材质通体具有较好导静电功能。表面电阻稳定在 104-106 欧姆且不衰减。具有较好的防静电性能;成品柔软性优,施工方便,统一规格,多种颜色组合设计供您选择,美观大方。适用于电子、微电子、机房、电力调度室、精密仪器、净化厂房等要求防静电的场所。

Indek all body through core PVC anti-static floor uses the static conducting network formed by PVC particle interface net to make the material have permanent static conducting function. The surface resistance is stable in 104-106 ohm and does not decay. It has excellent anti-static performance; the finished product has excellent softness, convenient construction, unified specifications, and a variety of color combination design for you to choose, beautiful and generous. It is widely used in electronics, microelectronics, computer rooms, power dispatching rooms, precision instruments, purification plants and other places requiring anti-static.

英德克INDEK防静电瓷砖利用玻化砖胚体,添加抗静电粉剂后高温烧制,成品表面电阻稳定在 104-106 欧姆且不衰减。具有较好的防静电性能,且耐磨、防化学反应、抗划痕性能;成品同样有多种颜色适合组合设计供您选择,美观大方。适用于电子、微电子、机房、电力调度室、精密仪器、净化厂房等要求防静电的场所。

Indek anti-static ceramic tile is made of vitrified brick body, added with anti-static powder and fired at high temperature. The surface resistance of the finished product is stable at 104-106 ohm without attenuation. It has excellent anti-static performance, wear resistance, chemical reaction resistance and scratch resistance; the finished product also has a variety of colors suitable for combination design for you to choose, beautiful and generous. It is widely used in electronics, microelectronics, computer rooms, power dispatching rooms, precision instruments, purification plants and other places requiring anti-static.








